Material |
M材质 |
SCM21 |
1 本裝置適合於三捜闆之針點射出模, 有拉斷料頭與脫模一次完成之功能。(二色成型之最适)
2.本産品采用精密鑄造而成, 精度高, 拉勾采用高級合金鋼經熱處理研磨而成, 勾力特強, 兩側采用之耐熱彈簧片, 彈性佳, 耐
熱力強, 有數十萬次之開模能力。
3.本裝置作用力向外側, 故不傷模具, 裝置時兩邊對稱、 固定銷孔用5mm之絞刀絞過後; 再以固定銷固定之, 以増加固定性。
4.本裝置尺寸有二型, 但扣模力分爲四種, 如下:
1.Excellent for 3-pcs mold plates for its precision injection(for example:needle-point injection).It will cut off the excessive
materials and leave the mold at the time of finishing.(especially good for double-color injection)
2.Slide Lock was made by precision casting methods.
Hanger was made by heat-treated and grinded a1loy steel that provides very strong hanging power.Using heat-resistant
springs on the both sides that make the lock slide can endure over 100,000 times of usage.
3.When assemble the Slide lock,line up both sides evenly,then using 5mm reamer to ream.
4.2 different sizes with 4 different mold clamping force:
GBLS-100 with mold clamping force up to 100kg
GBLS_200 with mold clamping force up to 200kg
GBLS-300 with mold clamping force up to 300kg
GBLS_600 with mold clamping force up to 600kg
Can be used for more than 2 sets of slide Locks when install into larger molding machines.
Type | Kg |
JH065 | 80 |
120 | |
150 | |
200 |
订购:114-开闭器GBLS型(扣模器) JH065